Wednesday, December 3, 2008

finding the silver lining

so, yesterday a pretty stressful event happened (being vague on purpose) and it was handled pretty well as compared to what would have happened a couple of months ago. things worked themselves out (or are very shortly) somewhat but that's not really the silver lining that i am talking about. this one thing has caused us to deal with some stuff that we have been putting off for too long. this event will put us in a much better position than we were before. and, i was able to see that shortly before finding out it would work itself out. i am proud of myself and the fact that i could see the good even out of the bad. perhaps this is a turning point for me? time will only tell.

By the way...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! I am now 30. :)

1 comment:

Queen of Feisty said...

Happy Belated Birthday. And I must tell you this was the most confusing post. When you said vague, you were right. But it's for your records and sanity to blog, not for your readers to fully understand. Just curious.

Glad to see your doing better, agin it was nice to see you guys. Sorry you had to leave the party so soon.

Joli is beautiful!

Oh, and thanks for the comment on Robbie. It's hard, like I said, but the pointless drunk dialing is just fuckin with my head. I will always be there for him.